Mailing List Message #81
From: René Widera <>
Subject: Re: [PIConGPU-Users] libsplash and gridGlobalOffset
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2016 10:15:08 +0200
To: <>
Dear Danila,

in PIConGPU before 0.2.0 it is possible to get a `gridGlobalOffset` equivalent attributes from each dataset.
Each dataset contains an attribute named `_global_start`. It defines the distance in cells from the current data to the origin (point in space at time step zero) of the simulation.

Best regards,

On 02.08.2016 09:46, Khikhlukha Danila wrote:
Dear all,

I have a questions regarding data save and post-processing  in picongpu.
As far as I got it openPMD is currently supported by a dev version
(looks like 0.2.0 also has it). The standard defines an attribute
gridGlobalOffset which is very helpful for simulation with moving window.

I would like to ask you if there is a way how to define a
  gridGlobalOffset in 0.1.2 version? Indeed, the way how HDF5 dump is
described here
doesn’t assume such kind of an attribute.

Maybe there is another way how one can deduct the coordinate of the
moving frame at given timestep?

Best regards,


René Widera
Abteilung Laser-Teilchenbeschleunigung (FWKT)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Tel: +49 (0351) 260 3543

Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Roland Sauerbrey,
          Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Joehnk
Vereinsregister: VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden
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