Mailing List Message #187
From: Khikhlukha Danila <>
Subject: Restart with TBG
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:23:35 +0000
To: <>
Dear all,
Am I correct that to run a restart using tgb one needs to specify a new output directory?
Indeed, after the first simulation finished I have just added following lines to the submit submit file:
TBG_programParams="!TBG_devices      \                                                                                 
                   !TBG_gridSize     \                                                                                 
                   !TBG_steps        \                                                                                 
                   !TBG_movingWindow \                                                                                 
                   !TBG_restart      \                                                                                 
After that I have launched the simulation with the command:
tbg -s bash -c $SUBMIT_DIR/0001gpus.cfg -t $SUBMIT_DIR/bash/bash_mpirun.tpl $RUN_DIR
where SUBMIT_DIR and RUN_DIR are kept exactly the same. The job failed with the message:
"job name already in use, can't create new folder"

However if for the restart I specify a different RUN_DIR (like $RUN_DIR_restart) and modify the restart option like TBG_restart="--restart --restart-directory <old_run_dir>/simOutput/checkpoints" then everything works just fine.

Could you please confirm that using tbg one needs to create a separate directory for the restart?

Best regards,
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