yes that is exactly the profile you are looking for and the right way to
init it. It only varies along y (longitudinally) as you described.
Otherwise: just use FreeFormula.
On 13.01.2017 16:10, Khikhlukha Danila wrote:
> Dear all,
> this question is a bit basic, however I would like to double check if my
> understanding is correct.
> Using PoG 0.2.1 I want to simulate LWFA in a plasma channel of let say 3
> mm long. I want my gas profile to be uniform in transverse direction. In
> the longitudinal direction I want my gas profile to have a plateau and
> super-gaussain up/down ramps -- exactly how it is specified in
> gasConfig.param file. Am I correct that to achieve it the only thing I
> need to do is to fix numerical values for a length of ramps and plateau
> to fit my overall plasma length?
> Please note that in the speciesIntizialation.param file this profile is
> already pointed a source of particles.
> Thanks a lot for you support,
> Danila.
Axel Huebl
Phone +49 351 260 3582
Computational Radiation Physics
Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.
Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden
POB 510119, D-01314 Dresden
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. R. Sauerbrey
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. P. Joehnk
VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden