Dear Danila,
thank you for the question!
PIConGPU in 0.2+ writes HDF5 and ADIOS output in the openPMD format. The
best way to get started is via:
Introduction: http://openPMD.org
Full format: https://github.com/openPMD/openPMD-standard
and then using the files directly. For data set interpretation and
processing you have several options:
a) investigate the structure just like a file system with tools such as:
- HDF5Viewer
- HDFCompass
- h5py
b) Use frameworks such as:
- openPMD-viewer https://github.com/openPMD/openPMD-viewer
- postPIC https://github.com/skuschel/postpic
- yt-project (develop branch!) http://yt-project.org/
or more tools, see
for a full list.
The current density itself, our field "J", can be dumped directly. Just
add "FieldJ" in the "fileOutput.param" at the following position:
typedef MakeSeq<
>::type NativeFileOutputFields;
On 12.01.2017 11:03, Khikhlukha Danila wrote:
> Dear all,
> Currently I'm using PoG version 0.2.1. My simulation finished
> successfully and I'm trying to calculate a current density field in the
> given cross section of the computational grid.
> However hdf5 files have fields only as follows:
> * B
> * E
> * e_chargeDensity
> * e_energyDensity
> * e_particleCounter
> * e_particleMomentumComponent
> Is there a way how to get current density field? I guess one can try to
> use e_chargeDensity and e_particleMomentumComponent to calculate it,
> however it is unclear to me which units are used for the momentum field...
> Thank you in advance,
> Danila.
Axel Huebl
Phone +49 351 260 3582
Computational Radiation Physics
Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.
Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden
POB 510119, D-01314 Dresden
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. R. Sauerbrey
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. P. Joehnk
VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden