Dear PIConGPU-Users,
please see the roadmap of this weeks PIConGPU-Developer meeting below.
In case you are (planning on) developing PIConGPU and you are not yet on
the developer list, please let us know. We try to open that
communication channel as an open list, too.
We will hold an individual PIConGPU **user** meeting some time soon
again (end of the year or early January) but we first have to catch up
with the development backlog.
See the announcement below.
Dear PIConGPU-Developers,
let us meet for an overdue, short (1.5hr) scrum meeting this week again
to give everybody a heads up and reflect what everyone is working on.
The meeting's goal is not to exchange on every detail but to kick-start
feedback and connections that can then be worked-on in smaller groups.
Also, it does not replace detailed, group-wide presentations of topics.
The meeting will be structured as follows, please *prepare* what you
want to say so we keep the time. In case you want to add points to the
time line below, please contribute topics before the meeting.
Speaking: PIConGPU Developers
Attendees: Open (but non-speaking in general part)
WebRTC: https://meet.jit.si/picongpu
Introduction: everyone 1 minute
Topics (max. 5min each / scrum, details continue in sub-groups):
- Axel (5'): organizational & welcome
- intro latest release (beta, 0.2.X)
- short intro GitHub "Projects"
auto changelog: Labels/PR Title&Description
- reminder: full openPMD frameworks usable with PIConGPU 0.2.0
- core dependency mallocMC is without specific developer
- Alexander M(5'): Planed new Resource Manager
- Marco(5'): ParaTAXIS roadmap
- Marco(5'): Thomas-Fermi roadmap
- Axel(3'): SCFLY roadmap
- René(5'): roadmap moving picongpu-alpaka to mainline
- René(5'): status of Sebastian's parallel iterators
- Richard(3'): status radiation plugin (modernization, macro removals)
- Heiko/Richard(5'): QED & Bremsstrahlung overview: regime,
application, limits
- we might have to talk about particle merging
- there will be a group & WIP talk for further details
- Alexander D(3'): Status Laguerre-Gauss beam
- Fabian(2'): openPMD C++ API roadmap (libSplash 2.0)
- open for general development-questions
- suggestions of selected topics that shall be presented to the group
on a broader scope
Axel Huebl
Phone +49 351 260 3582
Computational Radiation Physics
Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.
Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden
POB 510119, D-01314 Dresden
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. R. Sauerbrey
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. P. Joehnk
VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden
Scheduling request
PIConGPU/PMacc Developer Meeting |
Organizer: | <a.huebl@hzdr.de> |
Starts: |
07 Dec, 16 1:00:00PM |
Ends: | 07 Dec, 16 2:30:00PM |
Priority: | Normal |
Where: | HZDR, Bldg. 620, kl. Hörsaal |
Attendees: |
<zih-fzd-pic@groups.tu-dresden.de> |
Unconfirmed |
Koller, Fabian <f.koller@hzdr.de> |
Unconfirmed |
Alexander Matthes <a.matthes@hzdr.de> |
Unconfirmed |